Membership Harmonization

IIBA Membership "Harmonization" is making maintaining your IIBA membership easier.  Instead of a global membership fee and a separate Seattle Chapter fee, begining in May 2021 you will pay one fee to  You will be a Seattle Chapter member automatically if you live in Washington state*, or if you designate Seattle as your preferred Chapter in your IIBA global membership profile.

You may see some changes occur on this website to reflect these changes.  In May, single-sign-on will be implemented so you can use your IIBA Global login to access the Seattle Chapter website.

As a result of these changes, the Chapter bylaws have been updated: Chapter Bylaws (pdf)

What you should do as an IIBA member:

  • Confirm your default address is correct in your profile - this will be used to determine which Chapter you are assigned to.
  • Review what Chapter you are currently associated on your profile.
  • If you are not currently part of a Chapter, one will be assigned. For more information, please see Joining a Chapter / Chapter Assignment

For more information, see: Membership Harmonization Coming May 4, 2021 | IIBA®

*Excepting the Vancouver, WA area, which will be assigned to the Portland Chapter.